Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Chimp & The Ring

Logged: September 3, 2010. Hongkong

Once a upon a time, about 1389 nautical miles from Singapore the Chimp got...

Disguised as a surprise advance 30th birthday celebration on the 29th floor of One Peking Road - the Aqua Roma, Aqua Tokyo, Aqua Spirit - the night seems just as per what it was intended for.

Enjoying the uninterrupted view of the Hongkong harbour, the menu was served.

Noticeably the ambiance was both snobbish and cozy, everyone well dressed and the guests - no walk-ins, only by reservations.

The food came and the night carried on...

 Bread basket and some cocktails to start...

Black Angus tenderloin, foie gras, 
spinach and sweet & sour pearl onions

Veal fillet served with potatoes, asparagus,
carrots and marinated baby onions

As the night past and dinner was over... just right when you think it's about time to head back, another surprise came...

" I actually have a gift for you... it's inside my bag..." The guy uttered.

More words were uttered before he could reach for the book... and with the book & the ring, the chimp was surprised.

(cutting the story short; leaving the cheesy bit out...)

In the end the Chimp accepted the proposal and wore the ring. It was also during this time that the Chimp was too excited that she forgot to take photos - of the book and the ring - on location.

And so, this morning, almost a week has past, the Chimp decided to take some photos for documentation. 

The Red Moleskine

Writings inside the red moleskine...
(about half a book full)

Half of the book was reserved for
the carved pocket for the ring...

- The End -


  1. Not sure I could ever use a red moleskin. I stick to the black :)

  2. Wowww thatss so sweet. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations Mech! Finally! When are you planning to have your wedding?
