Saturday, March 6, 2010

Anton’s 27th

My cousin Anton has been asking me if I can do a painting for him.  Ofcourse, if any of you know me well enough, you'd probably have guessed my automatic answer - YES.  I actually find it hard to say "NO" to favors.  And if anyone here knows me REALLY REALLY'd also probably would have known that  - that YES will be postponed to who knows when -- haha.

So it happened... after 2 years of doing nothing, I decided that I wanted to surprise him with something on his birthday.  By the time I have decided to craft something, time again was not on my side.  So I decided I should do a simple portrait with some meaningful graphical elements to celebrate the ocassion - Mixed Media daw!!! haha


I also have alot of brand new Ikea frames lying around in my flat, so that was used for presentation.

I hope he liked it although it was not a full blown painting.  It sounded like he did. :P

Anyway, I wanted to do this post, to remind me the feeling of actually finishing an artwork for someone; and at the same time, to remind me that I still owe a few more people on my promise. Sorry guys!


  1. very very nice!!! haha!

  2. Which one is nice? the work or the realisation of my personality? haha
