Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh Dear! My Kinnikuman!

At my apartment...

Who punished Mr. Kinnikuman?

Found him today, facing the wall...

Suspects: Sister, Mum or Cousin.

I have been having guests after guests for almost a month now, my cousin came in first, then my sister came then my mother. While mum stayed for only 5 days, my sister did almost a month (bumming around after uni from Scotland) - she left for Manila this morning.

So tonight, I tried to restore order to my flat.  Clean and arrange things the way it was supposed to be - when I am by myself.

Something was not right when I saw Mr. Kinnikuman's position, I reckon that whoever did this must not like his face or did not like the fact that he is constantly "Looking".

I think he is cute and I wish that in the future, my guests would not be so afraid of him - he-he.  I assure everyone that he is harmless; and even though he has a tough face outside, he is actually sweet inside.

Now, that's more like it! Restored!
Does he really look scary?


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